In this blog post, I share my thoughts on leads to avoid in your network marketing or affiliate marketing business.
Some people are just not right for your team or your time!

If you are in network marketing or affiliate marketing, this is a critical tip that too many people have not been taught.
When these leads do end up on your email list, you need to delete them right away.
I started in network marketing over 30 years ago. I did it full time for more than 20 years. Generating leads and building a highly responsive email list has been a big part of my success story. Email marketing has been my best strategy for years.
Every marketer wants to build their list as big as they can. As fast as they can. But there is a lot more to effective lead generation and list building than that. You need to think in terms of lead quality, too. It’s far more important than list size.
See, there are some people who are just not right for our industry. They are real time-wasters.
These people pull you away from productive activities like mentoring the winners on your team. They can just plain ruin your day, if you let them.
Leads to avoid
Here’s a specific example from a couple weeks ago.
A new subscriber on my list messaged me for more information. She admitted she had not had success in anything yet. And I’m OK with that.
However, it quickly became obvious she was a very negative person. And even though she had never been successful, she thought she knew everything.
I quickly realized that she was not coachable, and was not right for my team, or my time. I told here so, wished her the best, and deleted her from my list.
That’s right. I deleted a fresh lead that I had worked so hard to acquire.
The last thing I want is for someone like that to go ahead and join my team anyway. Then I would have to live up to my commitment to personally train and mentor her.
Now only would that not be enjoyable, but the odds of her success, at least for now, are almost non existent.
I know that may sound cold if you are new to the industry. But one of the best tips I can share is to spend your time with the right people.
The way you can delete unqualified leads like her, without fretting over it, is to have a supply of fresh, high quality leads coming in every day.
Get to where you have more good leads than time to follow up with them. I call it lead abundance.
Recently, I put up a post on how to generate the best leads for free.
I hope this helps you with your list building efforts.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.
To your success,
Joe Barclay
P.S. Work directly with me in my #1 recommended income stream