Joe Barclay will mentor you on simple affiliate and network marketing systems to create time and financial freedom

Hi I’m Joe Barclay. Here I am enjoying financial freedom as I head out for a ride on a Thursday morning when most of my friends and neighbors are at their jobs…making money for the man.
Thanks to online marketing and our simple systems, my wife and I enjoy both time and money freedom.
If you are looking for more time and money in your life, let’s talk. I’ll be glad to give you the straight story on what it takes to succeed.
We can all think of numerous examples of people who have become quite wealthy via careers or businesses, but do not have the time to enjoy it. So I always lump time and money freedom together.
There is no point in having money freedom without time freedom!
And according to Forbes, one of the eight levels of financial freedom you should work towards achieving is freedom of time. In other words…
It really isn’t just all about money!
Joe Barclay teaches everyday people how to create financial freedom by developing multiple streams of income through online network marketing and affiliate marketing.
Joe has been in the home-based marketing industry for over 30 years, more than 20 on a full-time basis. This blog provides generic training on everything from attraction marketing and massive lead generation to effective follow up and recruiting.
My training motto is “take the fast track to success by copying what works.” Don’t waste time trying to “reinvent the wheel”. I’ve always found that the most successful in our industry are the good copy cats!
Feel free to contact me any time. I always enjoy sharing ideas with others. I invite you to visit the various pages on my Financial Freedom Blog, read some of my posts, and get to know me.
And understand this…achieving your time and money goals is easier than you think…and I can help you get there.
Thanks for stopping by. Good luck on YOUR journey to time and financial freedom!
Wishing you success,
Joe Barclay