About Joe Barclay

I’m Joe Barclay. It’s great to meet you!

I invite you to learn more about me. I’m more than just a financial freedom mentor and coach.

About Joe Barclay outside of business

I’m married to my best friend, Barbara, and father of 3 adult children. All three of the kids, now in their 40’s, enjoy productive careers and happy lives. It’s been a kick watching them grow up. Boy, the time goes by fast!

About Joe Barclay

How we spent our 29th anniversary last summer.
For those into boating, it’s a Jeanneau 41

Barbara and I live in a lakefront home in the Adirondacks of Northern New York. It’s true vacation country. We get to spend every day doing the things we love. Others pay a small fortune just to rent a place for the week here.

My favorite hobbies are skiing, boating, and woodworking.

I’ve been a ski instructor since I was 16. I still teach skiing 5 days a week as it is still one of my favorite things to do. Retiring when I was only 50 (got to love online marketing), has allowed me to ski about 100 days per year. We live 10 miles from one the best ski areas in the East.

As for boating…unlike most guys my age, I’ve probably owned more boats than automobiles! Here on the lake at home we have a ski boat, antique power boat, and a couple kayaks. Our pride and joy is our Jeanneau 41′ sailboat we keep on Lake Champlain. Our next goal is to take the boat down the canal system to the Atlantic. Then we’ll sail offshore to Bermuda, down to the Bahamas, and back home.

Our woodworking shop is as well equipped as many small professional shops. Barbara says I have every tool I could possibly need (however, there are still a couple I want.) We enjoy making furniture, particularly in the Arts & Crafts style. And being into boating means there are always a few woodworking projects to do.

Our simple online marketing systems allow us the time and financial freedom to take full advantage of this lifestyle we enjoy.

I love online marketing. Thanks to this industry, I haven’t had a real “job” in many years now…and life is great! But it wasn’t always that easy.

How Joe Barclay found the home business industry

Many years ago, while I was recovering from surgery, Barbara bought me a “home business” magazine to read. After many years of a traditional business background, the idea of making a living with no employee hassles, a flexible schedule, and little overhead really got my attention. Before I knew it I has hooked.

But old school network marketing was (and still is) tough! Meetings, phone calls, expensive start-ups, costly auto-ships, products that many times were only bought by those in the business. And of course, the dreaded warm market…bugging friends and neighbors. Who really wants to do that anyway?

Then I discovered how to do it all online and everything changed.

With the right online marketing system, I was able to drive massive amounts of traffic to a website that did the work…literally! I could generate a high volume of leads (without talking to anyone) and the system did all of the follow-up including getting people signed up in my business and even trained people too.

And best of all, each new person in the business could copy-and-paste exactly what I was doing and have success too.

It was all about systems rather than grunt work. With the right system YOU can be a super star and capture the time and financial freedom you are seeking!

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years and it’s more true today than ever before…and I share it with everyone in or thinking about getting into Internet marketing and looking for real success, it’s this…

My secret to success

Copy What Works!

You just need to find the right system.

To learn more about what you can expect when partnering with me in my business, see my Financial Freedom Mentor And Coach Joe Barclay – Work With Me page.

I invite you to visit the various pages on my blog, read some of my posts, and get to know me. Also, be sure to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, Joe Barclay Videos…it has over 700 videos to help you have more success. And I post multiple new videos every week. I’m sure it will be a valuable training resource for you!

If you are searching for more in life…not just money, but the free time to enjoy it too…I can show you how. Pick up a copy of my free eBook, The Affiliate Marketing Success Blueprint, and request more information on the income streams I build and recommend. Links to these are on the Sidebar of this page.

Feel free to contact me anytime. I always enjoy sharing ideas with other marketers.

To your success,

Joe Barclay