The ideal time for network marketing is now! In this blog post, I’ll explain why right now may be the best time ever for you to give it everything you’ve got if you are already in the industry. And also, if you are thinking about joining a network marketing business, why there may never be a better time for you to get started than right now.

I’ve been around network marketing for over 3 decades and I’ve never seen it like this. It seems like more people than ever are looking at network marketing. And it’s for several good reasons.
2 reasons now is the ideal time for network marketing
More people than ever are looking to work from home right now
The desire to work from home skyrocketed as the Covid pandemic surged. CNBC, quoting figures from the job site, Glassdoor, states that online job searches for remote jobs went up 460% in the period from June 2019 to June 2021. The report says that this increase is widespread across a range of all different types of jobs.
What’s really significant, is that as health mandates loosen and companies try to return to in-office work settings, interest in working from home remains high. Clearly, more and more people have re-evaluated their lives, jobs, and time. Time freedom and flexibility have become increasingly important and people are looking at all options, not just a traditional job.
And this is one of the things that makes right now the ideal time for network marketing. People are not just seeing our industry as a path to financial freedom, but time freedom too.
The second factor is that inflation is soaring. Just last month alone (October 2021), consumer prices jumped over 6% from last year. People are having to pay a lot more for almost everything. The most notable increases are in daily essentials like automobiles, groceries, gasoline, and utilities.
This whammy on the household budget is causing people to look at other sources of income. But again, without focusing on an another traditional job. Network marketing can be a source of add-on or even replacement income…while providing the luxury of being your own boss and choosing your own work schedule and setting.
Whether you are already in a network marketing business, or thinking about getting started, I encourage you to take massive action. Right now is the ideal time for network marketing!
To your success,
Joe Barclay
P.S. Take the fast track to network marketing success with my Free eBook