Lead abundance in network marketing is critical. In fact, having a large volume of high quality leads coming in each day will solve almost all of the challenges you face in your business. Read on to learn my 3 favorite strategies for super-fast high-volume lead generation.

My network marketing blog is my favorite lead generation and personal branding strategy. However, it is important to note that starting a blog is not a fast way to generate leads. While I encourage many of my business partners and coaching clients to start their own blog, I emphasize that they must initially rely on other sources of leads for list building. In short, blogging is a long-term method to generate network marketing leads.
3 fast strategies for lead abundance in network marketing
Here are my 3 favorite strategies for fast lead generation. One is a paid method. The other two are free. I use all three of them. All bring me excellent leads and can show results quickly. Pick one and get started. You can have quality leads looking at your business as early as today!
Solo Ads. Solo ads are a paid marketing strategy where you pay an email list owner to send your offer to their list. How much you pay is based on how many people click on the link to your offer. Go here to learn more about how to get the best results with solo ads. Typically, you can start generating leads this way in about 24 hours.
Message Marketing. I use this strategy on both Facebook Messenger and by text. This is free marketing that can start bringing you high quality leads almost immediately. Many on our team rely almost exclusively on messaging…it can be that effective. Refer to this blog post to learn more about message marketing.
Feeder Programs. These are opportunities and systems used to attract new prospects to network marketing and lead them into your primary business. While doing so, you establish and build on a relationship with prospects while building your list. This is always more effective than just pitching your business like so many networkers ty to do. The feeder program our team uses even helps prospects generate cash flow. It is free to use and can generate leads fast. Get your free system here.
If you are looking to maximize your success, I encourage you to focus on lead abundance in your network marketing business.
To your success,
Joe Barclay