Today’s online marketing training tip addresses the common question, “Do you really need to get everything right to be successful?”

And my answer is always this…absolutely not. It’s way more important for you to just get started!
It always amazes me how many people never experience the results they are dreaming of in online marketing. Seems whether they’re in affiliate marketing or network marketing, too many people never get started on those things that matter most.
The common excuse is “I’m going to take one more day to get this right, then I’ll be ready to get started.”
The sad part is that when people do this, they feel like they are building their business. But, they’re actually wasting time. Their work time is spent performing tasks such as perfecting emails for their autoresponder, researching ad sources, fine-tuning their landing page, and listening to recordings of previous training. Alll of this as they “get ready” to get started in their business.
Look, all of that is great…but those activities will not grow the business TODAY.
The most important part of online marketing is focusing on the few activities that really matter and taking immediate and consistent action on them
Bottom line, these people are focusing their attention on the wrong things. As time goes by, you can always perfect them.
I recently read an article on Psychology Today about this “Analysis Paralysis”. It detailed how overthinking everything can create challenges. One of the solutions it suggests, and it really applies to our industry, is to practice being less perfect!
Another key part of online marketing training is being able to identify essential tasks. Far and away, the most important daily tasks are lead generation and list building. In fact, without you being super-effective at exposing new prospects to your business on a daily basis, nothing else matters!
I see it every day. A new online marketer, usually without a good system or mentor to follow, will fail to get started on the few tasks that really matter. First, they let a couple days go by, then a week or two. Yet they still haven’t gotten started building their business. Nor have they generated any leads yet.
As a result, they still haven’t made any money.
Before you know it, a month has gone by. By that time, new marketers have gotten discouraged and frustrated, and are ready to quit their business. They think the business doesn’t work, when it’s really them!
Don’t fall into that trap. If you are serious about creating financial freedom, remember this online marketing training tip for maximum success in your business. Don’t worry about getting everything right, just get started.
To your success,
Joe Barclay