Network marketing success depends on many things. But, how many people you recruit into your business really doesn’t matter!
Now before you think I’m crazy, let me explain. Because when I first heard this years ago it really shocked me too. But grasping this concept and following it diligently has been one of the main factors in our success!
It really is true, how many new people you recruit is not the key.
Network marketing success depends on how many team members you help succeed!
Retention is one of the major keys to true success in our industry. For years, the number of people who drop out has been way too high. According to an article on Fundera, at least 50% of participants drop out after one year!
I’ve seen countless examples of network marketing sponsoring superstars earning only modest checks due to poor retention. They have as many team members quitting each month as new people joining.
Maximizing retention starts before you even enroll a prospect. If you don’t enroll the right prospect, the right way, your chances of retaining him or her are doomed. Not understanding this concept is a major cause of many people failing in our industry.
If you have to “close” a prospect to get them into your business, you will likely have to close them again every time they hit a small bump in the road. Those people are usually the first ones to become whiners and quitters.
For years, we have taught our team to enroll prospects that close themselves. We teach a system that gets the right people to reach out…asking to join the business.
Our team members have actually built a relationship with their new business partner before enrolling him or her. Then, it’s just a matter of building on that relationship, helping the new person succeed, and teaching them to repeat the process.
Stop making network marketing sponsoring your main focus.
Sure, it’s important. You’ll always need a steady flow of new business partners. But, you will build a far stronger business by focusing on helping each of your new team members have massive network marketing success.
To your success,
Joe Barclay