High Converting Landing Page – Learn How to Create One

In this blog post, I explain how to create a high converting landing page for your network marketing or affiliate marketing business. Learn the 4 key elements of high-converting landing pages.

How to create a high converting landing page
One of my highest converting landing pages. See it live at: http://www.LivingRDream.com

So just what is a landing page. It’s a web page designed to do one thing. It gets a prospect to fill out a form leaving their contact information. We call this process opting in.

Typically, the information collected on landing pages in our industry is an email address and name. It is important to note that the more information you ask for on the landing page, the lower the percentage of people who will actually fill out the form. So, don’t ask for any thing more than what you really need.

Why use one?

The reason we use a landing page is that it is far more effective to build a list and market to it, than to try to sell directly from an ad. You can learn about effective list building strategies.

I’ve seen effective landing pages that range from very basic to very detailed. Typically, most network marketing and affiliate marketing companies provide a replicated landing page for their members to use. I feel strongly that you should create your own landing page. It’s one of the first things I help new team members do. Do not rely on the company page.

It’s actually easy to create a high converting landing page yourself. And by high-converting, I mean a high percentage of the people who go to the landing page will fill out the form and opt in. Recently, I started using a simple, yet powerful page builder tool to create my pages. It’s easy to use, and costs far less than competing products. I think that using this tool, anyone can create an effective landing page in minimal time.

4 key elements of a high converting landing page

Please refer to the image of my landing page above.

The first key element is a powerful headline. The headline works like the subject line in an email. It is there to grab attention and cause the viewer to look further. It is important that the headline delivers the value your visitor is looking for. I find it helps to be specific. The old idea of solving a problem or a pain is what seems to work best.

The next key element is to back up the headline with a sub-head and a very minimal amount of supporting copy. So, keep it brief and to the point.

After that, and this is the most important key, you need a clear and concise call to action. Tell the prospect exactly what you want them to do.

The 4th key is a simple and clean design. Avoid creating a cluttered landing page with too much information. Avoid creating confusion. The last thing you want to do is give the prospect a reason to click away to look for more information. You want the prospect to opt in…now.

I’ve always had best results with simple landing pages. I know many people prefer pages with videos, social proof, and more. The only way to know for sure which landing page works best, is by careful testing and record keeping. Over the years, my best landing pages have converted at over 35%. But, it took a long time to get there.

I hope this blog post helps you create a high converting landing page for your business.

Feel free to reach out to me with questions at any time.

To your success,

Joe Barclay

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