Recruiting negative people into network marketing is a common challenge. In today’s post, I will share our team’s proven strategy for recruiting negative people.

One of the most important tasks in building a successful network marketing business is working with prospects. Whether you buy leads or generate them yourself, you must learn how to follow up with them effectively.
A large part of successful follow up revolves around knowing how to deal with different types of people and personalities. Almost every day I am asked how to deal with network marketing leads who are negative about our industry, our company, or what we do.
Our team’s proven strategy for recruiting negative people into network marketing is very simple…don’t even try!
Over the years, I’ve found that there are many more people who are positive and open to network marketing, than those who are negative. So the fix is easy. We teach our team to ignore the negative prospects and focus on the positive ones.
If I’m talking with a lead, whether on the phone, by chat, or in person, and they come across as negative, our conversation is over. I refuse to waste my time trying to convince them. There are so many other prospects who are positive and open-minded.
Even if I manage to enroll a negative personality into my business, they rarely turn out to be a successful business partner.
Negative people are usually the first ones to be whiners, complainers, and excuse-makers. Typically they are high-maintenance. They rarely recruit anyone themselves (nobody wants to work with someone who’s negative). And typically they quit the business at the first bump in the road.
I’ve learned that the time I waste on a negative prospect can always be put to far better use. Training and mentoring a positive-minded new business partner who is capable of duplicating exactly what I do is my goal.
The key to being able to be very selective about who you spend your prospecting time with is to always have more high-quality leads looking at your business each day than the time to follow up with them.
Learn to focus only on the positive prospects and you will be far more effective. Don’t waste time in network marketing recruiting negative people!
To your success,
Joe Barclay