Network marketing duplication is a huge factor in the tremendous success people all over the world enjoy in our industry. In this post, I will share the proven strategy our team trains all new members to follow.

First…what is duplication.
It s the process where new business partners copy exactly the effective actions of the leaders of the network marketing team. When every new team member copies or duplicates those same actions, even people with no previous experience can have massive success in network marketing.
Effective network marketing duplication requires several factors to come together
The first key to effective duplication is enrolling the right business partners
We actually teach our team to NOT try to enroll every prospect they can. We train the team to target prospects that are coachable, goal driven, and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.
You need to accept the fact that not everyone is right for our industry, and be quick to disqualify those who do not fit. A recent article in Forbes explains that not everyone should start a business. Just because someone is willing to sign up does not mean they are qualified for your business…or your time.
Learn to be very selective. It’s actually easy to do when you have enough good prospects looking at your business each day. That’s the secret…you need high-volume lead generation to be able to build your business the right way, with the right people.
It all starts with proper list building.
The next key is having a simple system everyone can copy consistently
It really does not matter what you or I can do. It’s what everyone on the team can copy or duplicate that counts.
The system must be effectively communicated and easy to understand. And no matter how effective and simple the system is, it needs to come with detailed training and support. Then all new team members need to do is copy what works.
New business partners can be up and running and building their business the very first day!
The key that pulls network marketing duplication all together
We make it extra easy to get every new team member plugged in to the system. Their enroller does not need to be a good trainer. Their enroller does not need to be a top earner. They just have to follow the system.
Every time a new member joins our team, their enroller immediately performs 3 basic responsibilities:
Welcome the new team member.
Encourage the new partner to reach out for help at any time.
Direct him or her to register at our members only team training site
Our team training site provides the exact email the enroller sends new members to accomplish this. Simple. Even first time network marketers can get new people started the right way!
The enrollers next responsibility is to follow up and make sure the new member has gained access to the team training and remind him or her to check their email regularly. From there, our automated follow up system takes over the training. The new team member begins receiving daily emails with specific Action Steps.
Again, they just copy what works.
You really can have massive success with the right system of network marketing duplication!
To your success,
Joe Barclay